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Rr.Sali Bajra Kacanik XK, 71000


Our museum is the place that exposes our digital assets which are already on sale for great influence in global or regional changes. We have a big difference from competitors in this case because Shigjeta brings a large value on digital assets and also have a micro number of items on collection, we offer with the asset the opportunity to get rich by us and we fully agreed with this. Start thinking about the future and make it present for yourself.


What are NFT's?
An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items and videos.
What is Blockchain Technology?
Blockchain defined: Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network.
How does it work?
NFTs are individual tokens with valuable information stored in them. Because they hold a value primarily set by the market and demand, they can be bought and sold just like other physical types of art. NFTs' unique data makes it easy to verify and validate their ownership and the transfer of tokens between owners.
Earning in double?

When you will buy NFT you will earn only 10% of auctions on the sub businesses of Shigjeta, we want to make sure that you already know
what are you doing ,

Exploring in Metaverse?
The modern-day metaverse could be described as the fight to achieve a real-life online virtual world that incorporates virtual reality.
Why to buy NFT from Shigjeta
You will become an investor or a donator to big initiatives from Shigjeta and you will also reiceve a large amount of values with the digital art you buy from our art collection. You are going to earn in double or more if you decide to buy our NFT’s. We don’t want to give more details about those projects, because we have done too much work to make great business plans and our team is working from the beginning of company establishment and for serious potential buyers we can make a meeting to explain more about the projects and assets which can grow us with others in the same time. Only in Dowedo we plan to hire around 50 persons to generate services and in each project we will help those industries with concrete proposals. The ROI for investors will have a special presentation because is the key to understand the return of your money in a short period of time, in our calculations we made the every investor will have their investing budget for only 2 years and will get thousands after but this only way to push each others in our purposes.
Invest or Donate on our Projects
When you will buy NFT you will earn only 10% of auctions on the sub businesses of Shigjeta, we want to make sure that you already know what are you doing , what are the future steps and your position in the company so we will have communication to also show the contract for 5 sub businesses which are : Cytreex, Nolons, Dowedo, Fitness Rewop and Gaming Ability, those are investments with interest but we have also Wildlife Routine an organization which want to bring a zoo in our country and many different activities on the plan, also some goals which we can’t afford for the moment and they are the: institution of learning – Shigjetademy, the business magazine – ShigMag and the transformation of 30 companies and to collect all record to make a show with 30 episodes.
Marketplaces of Codes, Plugins and some general stuffs for developers has been monopolized from big corporates and it's time to bring better solutions, more professional, branded and faster.
We have done 2 year pilot project on our first mission TTYB1 to understand much more each industries and we saw that in Europe the gastronomy sector is too traditional for this century and we have a proposal which is the DOWEDO APP and the UX is already done.
Cytreex is a crypto platform which has some simple and fast functions and on researching process we understood the need of this kind a platforms in the market.
Aa a NGO Organization the statement is to care about the animals especially from wild nature, Our team is doing a great job at growing the reputation without activities. We have spoken with different zoo-s , photographers and animal lovers.
The reason that we have created a project for Fitness Rewop is already growing the community and completing the technical assets like website and social media. Our business model is already and has great expansion for this industry.
Shigjeta has also a huge project that can cooperate with different sections on Gaming Industry, we want to make this possible as soon as we get investors because the activity plan is already done.
We know a lot of stories behind some great peoples, we hear some amazing advices from some other and a lot of want to talk about business but they don't know where to, so our company want to generate editions of business magazines.
A creative show which will make enthusiasm on some company owners. We want to make a journey with 30 different businesses and to transform their business for FREE. They will get branding services, web development, marketing, consulting and mentoring which will cost us a lot but we want wo make it , this show is designed to be with episodes and to upload on our channels.
The first mission of Shigjetademy is to bring free courses for the first 400 students in 2 years, different sectors which Shigjeta LLC proceed and to make open position (guaranteed) in our company or in others.
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