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Rr.Sali Bajra Kacanik XK, 71000
Improve the technology on our future

We help your digital education system to be available

Education is the future of our kids and our history will be determined by how we manage to bring them the best system to learn with simple tech assets like laptops or tablets.

We can contract

Powering public and
private schools.

We can help primary schools, high schools and of course the most important the universities.

By converting the whole of the educational system to digitization, the use of various techniques like online courses, online exams, digital textbooks, quizzes, and e-notes are improving the quality of education for the students.

Digital learning” is a learning method based on the use of new digital tools to enable learners to learn differently, whether it be face-to-face, distance learning (asynchronous or synchronous), or blended learning.

 The changes after a public or private school can get after Shigjeta make the input of digitalization on education system:
Improved accessibility and access.
Personalized learning approaches.
Virtual reality.
Cloud-based learning opportunities.
Incorporating the Internet of Things into the school environment.
Security across digital devices.
Teaching digital citizenship.
Big data.
Is digitalization worthy?

Balkan has one of the lowest systems of digitalization in education institutions.

Researchers have concluded that digitalization in school can be a complicated process. Digitalization initiatives have problems gaining sustainability in schools, and the technologies implemented and used tend to support previous practices rather than lead to change and development. The evidence-based research on digital transformation in teaching practices is often small-scale, and the processes are often driven by, and dependent on, individual enthusiasts said, for example, that “incremental changes have largely left intact teaching routines that students’ grandparents visiting these schools would find familiar”

Digitalization of the system improves the efficiency of its process, consistency, and quality. It can: Integrate conventional records or files into a digitalized form, eliminating redundancies and shortening of communications chain. Improve and facilitate a better informational exchange

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