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Rr.Sali Bajra Kacanik XK, 71000

What is Organization Mission?

A mission statement is an organization's national story said as a slogan in less than 30 seconds! It goes a long way in presenting the organization and can be used in several ways for public relations purposes. This is important, because - as they say - "if you don't know where you're going, you'll end up somewhere else"

Why to trust us?

We also have helped in internal form some NGO organizations and also our team members have been part also on some of them, more than all we have a Cultural Organization which is also called Shigjeta and this makes us better informed about the flow of process by knowing every step in details.

Shigjeta can.

NGOs exist for a variety of purposes, usually to further the political or social goals of their members. Examples include improving the state of the natural environment, encouraging the observance of human rights, improving the welfare of the disadvantaged, or representing a corporate agenda.

Mission Statement?

A nonprofit's mission statement is part of its branding. Just like a logo or website design. It helps attract new people and more resources to your cause, and it can be a useful public relations tool.


We ask the community that you will serve what they think about the services you plan to offer. Are they helpful? And why they're needed. Asking your community these questions it will make sure your mission is in alignment with their needs. Also, we get input from the nonprofit's board, staff, and volunteers. We easily can get this input through meetings, surveys, or phone calls. Shigeta stays open to different interpretations of what you're doing and how to accomplish your goals.

Preparation ?

A mission statement may become longer than it needs to be. In the end, it should be no more than a couple of sentences. The best mission statements are brief, clear, and easy to read.

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