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Rr.Сали Bajra Kacanik XK, 71000

2nd anniversary of the establishment of the company Shigjeta.

After finishing the 2nd anniversary, we immediately started working on the new business model and the new changes that had to be integrated in Shigjeta, but we did not decide to develop anything before the 2nd anniversary campaign ended. The idea of ​​this presentation was to show our achievements and our activity for this period of time, where we feel very happy with the process so far.

Services with more experienced clients gave us many benefits by enriching our baggage of projects where we feel privileged to have been part of them. About 6 successfully completed projects in the foreign market and a host of small services helped us as an agency to contribute to the export of services in our profession. The contribution of Shigjeta LLC was small but enough to prove that our will was great as we have shown to sports clubs such as: K.F Lepenci, (marketing) K.H Lepenci (marketing) and K.B Kaçaniku (marketing) The social and human aspect makes us help in our Anti Covid campaigns, as well as coordination with Discovery Lab NGO and talks for the Kaçanik youth network with USAID.

We also thank a lot of feedback detached from our clients references.

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