Дојде Во Допир
Rr.Сали Bajra Kacanik XK, 71000
Како работи

Shigeta can build your future by increasing human skills.

Building a high-performance team involves more than just randomly assembling a group of talented individuals. For a team to be truly effective, its members must unite with the same vision and be motivated to bring that vision to life. They must share clear, measurable goals, and be committed to each play their part in the overall success of the group.

Колку долго оваа услуга да може да се постапи?

Обуки трошоци за 6 месеци во редовните време

We can do it worldwide, our trainers will be proposed before the training program and if his/her portfolio of experience would make you feel hesitated our team will make sure to bring other alternatives. After we make sure the starting we can complete all training for 6 months.


Тимот Изгради Систем

Тука имаме наведени нашата шест клучни чекори во градењето и одржувањето на силна, кохезивно и ефикасен тим:

1. Дефинирање на целта

Јасно да се дефинираат целите на тимот, вклучувајќи го целокупниот исход тоа е доведена заедно да се постигне. Што сакате да се создаде, да се подобри или промени? Она што е целта на секој човек улога во тимот? Обезбедување на јасни, инспиративна визија поставува основа за успешна тимска работа, и помага водич насока на група кога ќе се соочи со предизвици и решенија

2. Соберат тим

High-performance teams are comprised of individuals that passionately embrace the vision, believe their contribution is meaningful, and are motivated to give their best effort. All team members should trust, respect, and support each other. Select members with complementary skills and abilities, who can bring a diverse range of viewpoints and ideas to the table. Achieving a good balance of personality types will enable the group to work together harmoniously but also challenge each other when necessary.

3. Ние ќе се утврди цели со вас

Once the team is established and united behind a shared, compelling purpose, the next step is to break the vision down into smaller, manageable goals and tasks. Outline the required tasks in a schedule, with agreed deadlines, milestones, and responsibilities. Decide the role that each team member will play. We are sure to also consider other resources required in terms of time, materials, space, support, and money.

4. Поставените очекувања

To ensure that each member understands what is expected of them, define a standard of conduct for the team. Will communication be frequent, open, honest, and transparent? Will contributions be encouraged, valued, and recognized? Will conflict be handled constructively? Will team decisions and feedback be respected? Setting clear standards from the outset will ensure that each member’s conduct and contributions are appropriate.

5. Следење и преглед

Regularly review the group’s performance through team meetings and one-on-one catch-ups to ensure that progress is being made. Good questions to ask are: how are we doing? What have we achieved so far? What have we learned? What isn’t working so well? How can we improve? Monitoring and reviewing progress allows for adjustments and improvements to be incorporated along the way.

6. Прослават и награда

Make the time to regularly recognize, reward, and celebrate both team and individual performance. This will help to build morale and bolster the motivation of the group to continue their hard work. Finding the most appropriate way to celebrate team milestones, such as a personal ‘thank you at a team meeting, an email copied to senior managers or a team lunch. Ensuring that recognition is consistent and that the method we choose inspires and reinforces the team members to continue their positive contribution to the team’s progress.

Зошто нас?

Се работи за виртуелен центар и физичка академија во иднина

Our goal is to create a licensed academy that can produce a better quality of service, for the moment we can together coordinate for the place (physical or virtual) and we can start the training program for your company. 

База На Обуки

Идеално решение за Start-Ups-от
$ 495 / Месечно
  • 6 Фази за 6 Месеци

Дуо Обуки

Совршен пакет за микро бизниси.
$ 995 / Месечно
  • 6 Фази за 6 Месеци

Злато Обуки

Оптимизиран за мали бизниси
$ 1795 / Месечно
  • 6 Фази за 6 Месеци

Ракета Обуки

Напредно решение за corporates
$ 2995 / Месечно
  • ∞ 6 Фази за 6 Месеци
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